The Secret of "Secret Garden"...
The new age band - "Secret Garden" is recommended by a friend in my JC life. She was someone who isolated herself from all guys in AJ. However, since she lives a few blocks away from my house, there will be times when we took the same bus home. In addition, she was from AJCO. Therefore, I had a lot of chances to talk to her. She was a really shy girl.
She seldom smile. She always felt inferior about herself. I managed to make her laugh once on a bus trip home. Even when laughing, she will cover her mouth as though she didn't like to be seen happy. "Secret Garden" has many many music with sad tunes. Maybe like what Elaine has mentioned, when girls are sad, they like to make themselves more sad (by listening to sad songs). She was really a sad girl.
Whenever I went to popular cd rama to buy cds, I will go to the new age section to check whether "Secret Garden" has came out with new albums. If there is, I will immediately sms her...
That is my secret of "The Secret Garden"... Anyway, she has totally vanished from my life... Its a sad story...